Master the hardest skill in English

It's not tenses, phrasal verbs or slang, but casual conversation with several people at the same time that is the hardest thing in English. We call it Fast Conversation. Its speed and complexity can easily make you lose faith in your language skills and in yourself.
And it's a shame because, casual and friendly as it may be, this type of conversation matters a lot. It's where you connect with others, advance your career, show your identity and build your visibility.
Sadly, one-on-one courses don't prepare you for fast conversations. In groups, exchanges are quicker, you get less attention, and must fight for your turn. Missed chances to speak and misunderstandings increase your isolation, tempting you to reach for your smartphone and trade away your success.
But it doesn't have to be like this. Join us to get better at authentic, spontaneous and fast conversations!

What is fast conversation?
Fast conversation is an exchange between 3 and more people. Its participants are frequently multinationals with varying levels of English. It is often informal and friendly but can be bloody challenging.

Why is it so difficult?
Fast conversation is difficult because it's complex. The more people take part in it the faster it gets and the less time you have to react. It operates with different grammar than what you know from school, involves various accents, diverse personalities, and different cultures. The fact that it often takes place in crowded and noisy environments doesn't help either.

Why you still suck at it?
There's a psychological mechanism that makes you feel hurt after each unsuccessful conversation. It makes you want to hide, revise your grammar and restore lost confidence in one-on-one classes. But it just doesn't work. What you should do instead is practice more fast conversations with others. And this is exactly what we offer 👇
Leave us your email if you are interested!Our offer:
Get rid of the discomfort of group conversations in English. Gain essential knowledge about fast conversations and learn strategies for success. Engage in a series of fast conversations and receive feedback from both your instructors and conversation partners. The next time you find yourself in a fast conversation, you will finally be yourself 👍
The course includes five 90-minute practical sessions and 75 minutes of video tutorials.
of fast conversations75'
of video tutorials185€
30% off for the 1st editionAre you interested? Join our waiting list!

You are in good hands!
Jedrek and Masha, two English teachers from the Thinking Out Loud podcast, are going to be your instructors for this course.
Who is this course for?

This course is for you if:
- you are at an intermediate level of English or higher
- you feel others speak better than you
- you're good at 1-on-1s but struggle in group conversations
- you feel marginalized in group conversations
- sometimes you feel that you need to revise all your grammar
Feeling like you need help with fast conversation?
Leave us your email we will get back to you!